A loan helped a member to buy seed, fertilizer and more.

Riqchariy Mec Group's story

The member belongs to the Riqchariy Mec communal bank. The bank is located in the Challabamba district of the Paucartambo province in the department of Cusco.

Luisa is 52 years old, cohabitates and has 3 children. The member alternates her daily activities working in agriculture. The member is a responsible person who hopes to obtain more earnings from her business to continue supporting her family in this way. At the same time, the member works raising small animals. The member has had her business for a long time. It is going well thanks to the effort that she puts into it everyday since she gets her family ahead in this way.

The member requested the loan to buy seed, fertilizer and more. The members are thankful and happy with the loan bestowed by the KIVA investors.

In this group: Antonia, Fransisco, Luisa, Noemi, Alejandrina, Francisco, Jose Angel, Luisa, Albino, Fortunata

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Hasmin Sherwin.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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