A loan helped a member to buy more fertilizer to support her farming, to get a higher yield.

Mik's Group's story

Mik, 52, lives with family members in a local area of the Battambang Province. She is a mother blessed with four children, one of whom is still studying. For the last 12 years, Mik has been growing rice and cassava to make a living. To supplement the income, she works for others for a fee. Because of drought, her farmland did not grow well; this is her main challenge.

This is her tenth loan cycle with VisionFund, and she already repaid her past loans on time. She could update her family with a decent household supplies via the previous loans. Now, she is leading her group of three to apply for this new loan.

Mik will spend her entire loan portion to purchase more fertilizer to input her farmland to grow well. She wishes that she will gain a higher yield than last year, with more income for her family’s condition and her child’s studying.

In this group: Mik, Choeurn, Chenda

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

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