A loan helped a member to buy six goats for resale.

Wawili Group's story

Tasila describes the benefits of his loan from the microfinance institution PAIDEK in these words:

"Before my first loan, my capital was $130. Now, having completed my first loan and paid for the children's school fees, I still have capital of $180. The big obstacle during the loan was the unstable exchange rate, because sometimes we backed off from selling because of that. Our capital is still insufficient and the need for a loan is always evident. That is why we are asking for our second loan. "

In this group: Tasila, Béatrice

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Mary Lou Bradley.

This loan is special because:

It gives woman-owned small businesses in the impoverished Sud-Kivu region access to financial services and training.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details