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A loan helped to buy a solar lantern.

Josephine's story

Hello, Kiva community!

Meet Josephine, who is a crop and animal farmer, and a mother eager to provide the very best for her family.

She states that with her small income, she hasn’t been able to provide sufficient lighting through the electricity in her home. Her family has been using kerosene lamps, despite the toxic fumes that put the family at risk of contracting respiratory diseases.

Josephine is kindly appealing for a loan to buy a solar lantern to provide adequate lighting, enabling her children to read well while at home. With the lantern’s dual-charging capability, her husband will also be able to efficiently charge his phone.

Kindly consider lending to her.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reduce energy costs for small-scale farmers.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (3)
  • Erhard Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
  • W
    Will Houston, TX, United States
  • K
Contributing teams (2)

Loan details

Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
Houston, TX, United States
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