Jessica's story

Ever since I was a kid, I knew I wanted to work with food; in what sense of that, I didn’t care. It all started with my Grandfather, baking simple toll-house recipe chocolate chip cookies. The gathering, measuring, mixing, scooping, baking, and of course, eating was all so invigorating. The whole process was that of a Zen like state, meditative, calming, and comforting-I was hooked. I would stay up all hours of the night watching food shows; if anything about food was on I was watching it. I buried my face in a book of recipes my Mom had composed over the years, picking out my favorites and trying my hand at them. Oddly enough, I was using recipes that would soon become ‘basic’ pastry knowledge to me in the future. I also poured myself into every cooking class at school that I could find, including a 2 year satellite school where I took their Restaurant Management course.

I would cook so much at home that my parents would have to share with their friends. They would take them to the local hangout spot and pawn them off, as if people weren’t jumping on those tasty treats without hesitation! I was told to create a few different items for the owners to taste, they reluctantly had to pick only three, and so they did and there became the start of my pastry career. ‘Desserts by Jessica’ was printed on their menu and under it my three signature desserts were listed-I was on top of the world. This was just the start of what would motivate me to follow my dream of opening a bakery.

This loan is special because:

It supports a woman entrepreneur who is super passionate about baking.

Loan details

About The Little Bird Bakery

Industry: Food
Years in operation: New Business


Lenders and lending teams

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