A loan helped a member to purchase hair dyes, creams, shampoo, rinses, and other additional products.

La Alegria Group's story

The group called "La Alegría" is in its first cycle with the women's committee program. It is located in the city of Caacupé. It members take great efforts and fight to give their families a better quality of life so they don't have to be in need.

Esmilce is one of the members of the committee. She herself is the owner of a hair salon. She is requesting this loan to invest in the purchase of hair dyes, creams, shampoo, rinses and other additional products to be able to continue providing good service to her customers.

She is grateful for the opportunity she is receiving to continue growing and improving the conditions of her life through this undertaking.

In this group: María, Marcelina, Auxiliadora, Esmilce, Gervacia, Saturnina, Elizabeth, María, Graciela, Teodosia, Bernarda, Ana, Maria, Yilca, Gladys, Myrian

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rebecca Gleason.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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