A loan helped to pay the needed expenses for the rooftop construction of her son's house.

Souad's story

Souad is a 55-year-old Palestinian refugee, a married mother of four. She has been working in cleaning services for the last 14 years to support her husband and family members in covering their daily living expenses and improving their living.

Souad is well known in the Refugee Camp where she lives for putting so much effort in providing each of her children with his own house to make his own family and start his own life.

Through an acquired loan from Kiva's field partner Al Majmoua, Souad will help her son to pay the needed expenses for the rooftop construction of his house.

She is looking forward to staying in good health and managing to continue supporting her family members and contributing to improve and develop their living.

This loan is special because:

It benefits refugees who have been marginalized.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details