Petita is 57 years old. She is separated and lives with her mother, who is her companion. They live in Jipijapa, a place that suffered a lot of destruction after the earthquake that happened last April.
She is a woman who does not let herself be beat by adversity. She works very hard to get ahead, together with her elderly mother. She works in agriculture. She has a farm where she has banana and yucca crops. She currently has crops of a short cycle, such as maize and peanut. She hires workers with whom she does the work of the fields. In spite of how hard the work is, she always does it with a lot of motivation, as she knows this is the way she has to earn a living.
This new loan is to buy agricultural inputs and fertilizers for her crops. Her dream is to enjoy good health.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Orozco. View original language description.