A loan helped a member to buy more Jerrycans of local /Natural medicines.

Harriet Namugabo ‘Sgroup's story

Harriet is the leader of a 5-member group. She is 45 years old, married, with four children aged between 24 and 30. All her children go to school. She resides in a four-roomed house where she lives with three people. Harriet takes care of her sister’s children. There is electricity and piped water at her home. The family gets three meals a day.

Harriet resides and works in a semi-urban area which is on the outskirts of Kampala. Harriet is located in Lugala, selling natural medicines in one of Kampala's suburbs. She incurs extra transport costs to and from Kalerwe where she buys her crude medicines.

Harriet sells to an average of 20 people a day and sells to all categories of people, excluding children. She works six days a week. Harriet sells retail only. Her major monthly expenses include school fees and rent for her business premises and home. She has been in this business for the last 10 years.

Harriet has been with MCDT for over three years and is servicing her sixth loan, working with the same group mates. She wants to use this loan to buy more jerrycans of natural medicines. Harriet aspires to see her business grow bigger and own permanent business premises.

In this group: Harriet, Harriet, Prossy, Eva

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details