A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer, pay labor fees, and purchase fuel for her machines.

May Thu's Group's story

May Thu is 25 years old, and she is a single woman. There are only 2 family members in her family, including her elder brother. She is a farmer and she also works as a part-time teacher. She has been farming for over 5 years. She owns 19 acres of farmland, which has been passed down through her parents and ancestors. In fact, she has always been passionate about the farming practices taught by her parents and ancestors.

With her 19 acres of land, May Thu grows only monsoon paddy. After harvesting her paddy, she normally calls several brokers in order to find out the paddy prices. If the prices are too low, she keeps her paddy at a storage area which she has to rent. She uses her profits for her family’s living expenses, such as food and healthcare fees. She explains that the greatest challenge for her farm is flooding, which negatively impacts her farm’s produce. Sometimes, insect problems also occur, but mostly she is able to control that.

May Thu received her first loan from SOO, which she used to buy fertilizers and pesticides, pay labor fees, and for machine maintenance costs. She said that the interest rate is lower than local lenders and the loan term is good for her. She is now applying for her second loan from SOO, which she will use for buying more fertilizer, paying labor fees, and purchasing fuel for the machines. She also expects that she can get more yield this year with support from SOO. Her dream is that she would like to make a donation to the monastery for her parents who passed away.

In this group: May Thu, San San, Hla

This loan is special because:

It provides farmers with additional training to build stronger savings habits.

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