A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilisers for their farmland.

Condormocco Group's story

These partners belong to the communal bank "Condormocco", which is located in Echarate, a district in the province of La Convencion in Cusco.

The partner in question is Señora Francisca who is 50 years old and married with 3 children. She works in her business selling fruit, where she sells bananas, mandarins, papaya and oranges. She has a stall from where she sells the fruit and works from 8.00am until 5.00pm. She has managed her business now for 7 years and it is very successful, but Francisca's dream is to own a store where she can sell her fruit. She is requesting this loan in order to buy seeds and fertilisers for her farmland.

The other partners in the group make a living from coffee sales, fruit sales, a grocery store, and food sales businesses.

Francisca is grateful to all those who form part of realising this dream and she is committed to meeting the repayments within the established time period.

In this group: Francisca, Felicitas, Isabel, Nelly, Gregoria, Mercedes, Martha, Flor Gardeña, Lucio, Abel Antonio, Mila Isabel, David, Ernestina, Augusta, Lisbeth, Janny Karina, Londer, Julder, Kevin

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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