Mateo is 31 years old. He is married and lives with his wife and his two children in the municipality of Intibucá. For more than twelve years he has made a living in agriculture, growing potatoes. He sells his produce at the local market in the area and makes his own income.
The loan he has applied for is a group loan with which he will buy seed potatoes, fertilisers, fungicides, foliar plant feed and other supplies for his crops. His aim is to increase his sowing and give the plants good care in order to improve the quality of his crops. His goal is to help his son with a good education and always have a source of income.
The group he belongs to is called "Brisas de Manazapa" ["Manazapa Breezes"] and is made up of three people: from left to right, Darío, Doroteo and Mateo. They make a living farming quality certified potatoes and live in the same community. They are applying for their third loan through ODEF for the sum of 50,000 Lempiras to buy fertilisers, manure, seed potatoes and other supplies to give their crops good care.
In this group: Mateo, Doroteo, Dario Zacarias
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.