A loan helped a member to hire one hectare of farmland to grow more cassava.

Bory Group's story

Bory, 60, is a widowed mother of only one child and resides in the Tbong Khmum province of Cambodia. For over 20 years, she has been cultivating rice and cassava to earn income to support her living expenses. Being a farmer, she can makes around 10 USD per day.

Bory appears first on the right. As the group leader, she would like to ask for a loan with her group of three members. She will use her loan share to hire one hectare of farmland to grow more cassava. She sees that this investment will allow her to increase her crop yields and as well as her family's profits.

In this group: Yan, Bory, Hon

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income rural communities with access to finance and training services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details