Lusia, 40 years old, married woman and has a son,15, in the 1st grade of Junior High school from her marriage with Wihelmus, a 40 year old a brick maker. To support her husband, Lusia earns a living from raising chicken and have been running for last 2 years. As a brick maker, Wihelmus sometimes faces difficulty, the income earned is up and down and it impacts the family financially. This situation led Lusia to do this business.
In a month, Lusia should buy a box of chicks, the supplement for chicks. She is able to earn profits of IDR 1,000,000. This business gives benefits for her family, particularly in meeting daily needs and school matters. At the moment Wihelmus has difficulty in producing bricks since the lack of material. This situation makes Lusia to help her husband to buy sand, cement and others.
Lusia then joined in the Sederhana group and have requested a loan of IDR 3,000,000 for each of members. The group is formed as they want to improve their business. Therefore, they really expect to get the loan from Kiva lenders.
In this group: Lusia, Anita, Margareta, Elisabet, Susana