A loan helped to pay for his wife's treatment at the medical clinic.

Rustamjon's story

Rustamjon was born in 1977 into a working family. He lives and works in Asht. He is a very good-natured, honest and optimistic man. He is married and has four children. His wife works at the school as a cleaner.

Rustamjon deals with construction. He has been working more than eight years in this sphere. Rustamjon works hard and provides his family with the necessary things. His family's income is small, and it is hard to provide all the members of his family with necessary things.

Rustamjon's wife is sick and needs hospital treatment, but she doesn't have enough money to get the treatment. Rustamjon is asking for a loan so that he can pay to treat her.

Rustamjon thanks Kiva lenders in advance for their help and support. He is a repeat client and has a positive credit history. He is asking for a loan for the eighth time through Kiva's field partner, IMON.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details