A loan helped to cover her farming expenses such as buying fertilizer, seeds and pay for plowing fees.

Hai's story

Hai is a mother of three schoolchildren and they are living in Dambae district of Tbaung Khmum province, Cambodia. She is 31 years old and has spent around 10 years to plant various kinds of crops such as rice, cassava and cashew to earn a living. After offsetting from family’s expense, she can manage to save about 7.50 USD each day from this agriculture business. Currently, the price of cassava is dropped at the market so she could not earn a good income as before.

Therefore, she decides to borrow a loan from VisionFund as her seventh loan cycle. She successfully returned all the previous loans and has spent it to sustain her family’s livelihood and send her children to school as well. Through this new loan, Hai will manage it to cover on her farming expenses such as buying fertilizer, seeds and pay for plowing fee which is expected to increase productivity of her crop as well as to earn more income to keep sending her beloved children to school until graduated.

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details