A loan helped to buy supplies for farming.

Angel Manuel's story

Angel is 70 years old and is married. He was born into a rural family that taught him how to work in the field from a young age. Thanks to them, he grows crops, and he works every day to keep going, so that he can add his earnings to the household income. He lives in a town that suffered from armed conflict, which means that it is an area where late repayment of loans is a risk.

Angel is an organized and hardworking man. He sets goals and then works tirelessly to achieve them. His chief goal is to increase the number of crops he grows and introduce new ones to broaden his market and be more competitive in the sector. This has driven him to request a loan to buy supplies for farming, so that he can increase his activity even more and generate greater production and more income as his sales increase.

If you want to know more about the entrepreneurs and the loans from Interactuar, you can join the Lending Team called: “Friends of Interactuar Colombia”: http://www.kiva.org/team/interactuar_colombia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in remote regions.

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