A loan helped .

Luke's story

Katherine and I both grew up in houses where our dads had huge, bountiful gardens teeming with food and beauty. Soon after we met, we began gardening, and later farming together, right down to the present moment. As we grew and learned more about plants and animals and land management, our goals and vision became more refined. Today we have three kids, 20 acres, fruit trees, 5+ species of farm animals at a time, and a farm that is getting more diverse, abundant and regenerative as we move forward.

Our dream is the five of us living as part of a functioning ecosystem, where all members thrive. We hope that our kids get to experience a life of work, play, fun, and hands-on learning, and that we get to enjoy growing old in a beautiful, abundant landscape.

This loan is special because:

This loan is special because it enables a family farm to be more efficient and sustainable.

Loan details

About Groce Family Farm

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: New Business
Website: grocefamilyfarm.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details