A loan helped a member to purchase enriched crop seeds and hire temporary laborers.

Yae Lar Lay-2 (C ) Village Group's story

Thet (second from the right) is 42 years old, married and has four children. She is the featured borrower of Yae Lar Lay-2 (C ) Village Group, located in the Pakokku township in Myanmar.

Thet cultivates pigeon pea, green gram and cotton in her five acre farm. Her husband brings in additional income through his work as a carpenter. Thet is a friendly and hardworking farmer whose dream is to expand her farming business and to improve her family's living conditions.

She intends to use the Kiva loan to purchase necessary enriched crop seeds and to hire temporary laborer. In the future, she has a plan to start raising goats in addition to farming.

Along with Thet in the picture are Khin, Win and Kyi.

In this group: Khin, Thet, Win, Kyi

This loan is special because:

It supports economic growth for an entire village.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details