A loan helped to buy fish, yucca, and soda.

Victoria Elizabeth's story

24 de Mayo is a very agricultural community in its province. Its residents make a living by growing corn, peanuts, fruits such as watermelon, and others. Its countryside landscapes are a draw that attracts many tourists, as does its varied gastronomy.

Here lives Victoria, who is 44 years old and married. From this relationship, she has three children. Two are adults and the youngest, who is 17 years old, attends secondary school and still lives with them. Her husband is a businessman.

Victoria is a woman who likes to earn her own way by doing the work she loves: cooking. She has a business selling ceviche and seafood soup made with fish, shrimp, or a mix according to what her customers prefer.

She rents a spot in the community market, a location that guarantees sales for her because it's a center for supplies. This location is new because the one she had previously was destroyed by the earthquake. When this new market was built, she was able to continue renting a spot where she can earn her living.

This loan is to buy fish, yucca, sodas, and various things that she still needs to set up her location. Her dream is to have her own location and not pay rent.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Stanislawski.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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