A loan helped to purchase clothing, shoes, perfumes, creams, and more.

Viviana Jessenia's story

In the province is a small town called 24 De Mayo, which is very agricultural. Its residents work in the cultivation of corn, peanuts, and fruits such as watermelon, among others. Its rural landscapes and its flora and fauna are attractions that bring many tourists as well as a variety of cuisine.

This is where Viviana lives. She is 30 years old and she lives in common-law marriage. From this relationship she has 3 children, ages 14, 13, and 10. They all study in secondary and primary school. Her partner is a construction worker.

Viviana is a very determined woman who likes to fend for herself and to support her partner with her income, since costs are higher after the earthquake, and what he makes is not enough. It is thanks to her business selling clothing, shoes, Yanbal and Belcorp (beauty products, cosmetics, perfumes, and accessories for women) that she manages to pay certain urgent household expenses. She sells door-to-door on credit and collects every week. That is what allows her to get paid and go out selling again.

This loan is to purchase clothing, shoes, perfumes, and creams, among other products that sell. Her dream is to give the best to her children.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rebecca Gleason.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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