A loan helped to increase the produce and to offer better products to generate income for her family.

Ines's story

Ines lives in the department of Cochabamba in the province of Carrasco and the municipality of Entre Ríos. She has 3 children and lives with her husband. She has been working in agriculture for 9 years and after time and with a lot of effort Ines could buy an agricultural land and an urban lot. She lives in her own house.

Ines earns a living growing yucca on her own land. Annually she produces 800 quintals of yucca which she sells to local merchants. Ines works hard as her intention is to get her children ahead. Now she has 2 hectares and her next goal is to extend the yucca field by 1 hectare to increase her income. Ines needs the capital to increase the produce.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It aims to grow small farms and businesses in the Bolivian highlands.

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