A loan helped a member to purchase more vegetables to sell in the market.

Merpati Group's story

The Merpati Group is consisting of three entrepreneur women who are living in a remote village. To make a living they grow kind of vegetables and sell them in the market.

Yohana, 45, is the woman raising a hand. She is the mother of four children from marriage with Semuel. However in the rainy season Yohana also buys the vegetables from other farmer.

Life takes struggle so Yohana and husband always work hard for her children living and education. Yohana was thinking to sell more vegetables and needs more cash. When she heard that TLM and Kiva provide a loan for the small entrepreneur like her, Yohana and other women then formed the Merpati group and have requested a loan totaling of IDR 6,000,000.

Yohana and other members are very satisfied with TLM program and thanks Kiva for support them.

In this group: Yohana, Ester, Rut

This loan is special because:

It serves people in Indonesia's poorest region.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details