An honest villager who is living in a remote area of Mondulkiri province, Ai is a 39-year-old-mother and has five dependent children in her care. Two of her children are too small while the other three are in school and need her support. She has been struggling to feed and support her children’s education by growing rice and cassava for about three years. She can manage to save about 8 USD each day from these businesses for her emergency needs. Unfortunately, her cassava crop is threatened by insects which has affected her family’s financesl.
Ai has now decided to request a new loan to save her business. There are five members in this group and she is the group leader. She has been with VisionFund for one loan already and this is the second loan for her. Ai would like to use her loan portion to pay for labor fees for the farm, which is expected to increase her crops’ productivity so that she is able to earn additional income to keep her children in school until graduation.
In this group: Ai, Sokheng, Aeng, Pak, Savy