A loan helped a member purchase of inputs, seeds and small materials.

Benkadi 1 De Toura Nabitokan Group's story

BENKADI 1 is a group of married women from the village of Toura Nabitokan, town of SAN, SEGOU region (fourth administrative region of the Republic of Mali). They live in traditional families.They have an average age of 22, at least 7 children and their business is the cultivation of peanuts. Anxious in making their agricultural businesses profitable, the members of BENKADI 1 group of Toura Nabitokan decided to join the loan program Soro Yiriwaso 2 years ago. After having repaid correctly the preceding loan, they are on their second rural loan. This loan will be used to buy sufficient quantities of peanuts seeds, small materials and inputs for cultivation mainly at the big market of Kamparana. After the farming season, the harvests are stored for some time for them to gain value before being sold out at the big market of Kamparana and in surrounding markets by retail (often in bulk), for cash, to customers from the big towns. Members of group BENKADI 1 each intend to make, after the sale of their crops, a profit of 25.000 to 35.000 FCFA which will be used to repay interest on the loan and current family expenses.

In this group: Hawa, Kadiatou, Safiatou, Founè, Kadiatou, Kadiatou Abdoulaye, Mamine, Saci, Mamine, Sali

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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