A loan helped a member to buy more stock of sugar, soap, salt, sodas, and many other goods to sell.

Kusiima Women's Group's story

Noeline lives in Kagadi. She is a Ugandan by nationality,aged 30, with two children ages 10 and 8 who attend school. She owns a retail shop that sells general merchandise like soap, sugar, salt, and other items for day-to-day consumption. She also farms and works for the government as an office attendant to supplement her income. She began her retail business in 2015 in a rural area and she employs one of her sisters to attend to her shop. She started the business to raise school fees for her children. Noeline needs the loan to buy more stock of sugar, soap, salt, sodas, and many other goods to sell. Her dream is to see her business expand and see her children complete school. She faces a problem of price fluctuation for commodities. Noeline is a member of Kusiima Women's Group whereby members guarantee each other to access financial services.

In this group: Annet, Firidah, Noeline, Noeline, Teddy, Teddy, Annet, Edward, Emmanuel

This loan is special because:

It targets extremely rural populations.

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