A loan helped a member to buy stock.

Awurade Ne Me Hwefo Group's story

Comfort is 59 years old. She is widowed and has given birth to four children.
She is a trader. She trades in slippers. She hawks to sell. Comfort is the leader of a trust bank group called ‘Awurade ne me hwefo’ which literally means the Lord is my shepherd. She is second from left in the group photograph. Most of the members of this group are traders, food vendors and or farmers. They work to support their spouses to provide for their families. They buy their raw materials, wares or goods from other towns and sometimes from nearby communities and sell at the local market square. Some of them trek to other towns to sell on their market days as well. The members have been in business for some time and have amassed a great deal of experience in their businesses. They are therefore asking for the loan to help them procure more goods to be able to expand their businesses. It is the hearts desire of the group members to give their children the best education they can afford.

In this group: Comfort, Rosemary, Rose, Afia

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details