A loan helped .

Tania's story

I was born in the noisy city of New York. My parents are lovely creative and eccentric types that found NYC’s climate too harsh for raising my sister and I. They made the bold move from the North down to Virginia shortly after my sister was born. I ended up spending most of my childhood in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia but my Dad certainly brought his old school NYC funk along with him. I was exposed to a diverse array of cultures in my youth through his stories of 1970s Discotheques and Bossa Nova shows from his time in Brazil. My Dad was always playing different types of records in our house, from Afro Cuban Jazz to Classical and everything in between. I loved music but felt it was always out of my reach.

Although I took some music classes sporadically throughout my youth (clarinet and bass guitar) I never felt completely at home with an instrument. The world of instruments was too complex and expensive to fully explore at my young age, and my family was encouraging me to devote myself to a practical career in Science. We had plans for me to be the first person in my family to ever attend college and I did not want to distract from that goal. I went on to receive a B.A. in Biology at Swarthmore College and an M.A. in Sociology and Science Studies at the University of California, San Diego.

My travels through Science and Technology have led me back to this fundamental ingredient of my upbringing. Throughout this journey, my love for music never subsided. My new ambition is to provide greater accessibility and knowledge to sound technology through the context of a small business.

This loan is special because:

It helps a women entrepreneur to expand her music business

Loan details

About Audio For All

Industry: Services
Years in operation: New Business
Website: audioforall.co


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details