A loan helped a member to buy thread, needles and other products.

Kuña Tacateña Group's story

The group "Kuña Tacuateña" is in its second cycle of loans with the women's committee programme. They are from the city of San Pedro, from an area far from the centre. Each woman strives to be able to offer her loved ones a better quality of life.

Blanca is one of the members. She works making crochet doilies. She has various customers from the same neighbourhood and the surrounding area. She is a person who is very good at what she does and says that thanks to her handicrafts she has the means to be able to help her family.

She is applying for this loan to buy threads, needles and other products so as to be able to continue making crochet doilies. She is grateful for the opportunity to be able to grow and improve her living conditions.

In this group: Nelly, Blanca, Reineira, Luz, Adis, Rocio, Lurdes, Liz, Cecilia, Anselma, Blasia, Rosalin, Alicia, Ubalda, Sixta, Fatima, Maury, Juana, Pelagia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It’s designed for rural areas with high levels of crime and social conflict.

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