A loan helped to fix the stable for the livestock.

Agim's story

Agim, a father to two children who are 11 and 13 years old, lives in a small city in southeastern Albania. Even though he lives in a city, he has spent more than 5 years focusing on agriculture and livestock. He owns 12 dynym of agricultural land where he plants wheat for self-consumption and fodder for livestock. Agim has three dairy cows and eight sows. Every year, he sells three calves with a profit of around $460/each and 150 piglets for $50/each.

Agim and his wife are very hard-working people. Today, they need the loan to fix the stable for the livestock. They have not invested it it since the beginning and it needs many repairs.

"We are very dedicated to these animals and we take care of them because we consider them as family members", says Agim. He is photographed in front of the stable and piglets are seen very friendly around him.

This loan is special because:

It supports populations in a country where financing options are scarce.

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