A loan helped to buy charcoal for resale.

Rosee's story

Rosee is 28 years old and deals in charcoal buying and selling to the local people in her home area. This is supplemented by cocoa growing for income generation.

She is a married mother of one child and lives in Bundibugyo, Uganda. Rosee started charcoal selling two years ago to raise income to support the family’s increasing demands.

Her family's desire is to buy more land and increase cocoa growing. Rosee also has a business dream of establishing a bigger charcoal store and make bigger sales and profits.

Her business is affected by unpredictable changes in weather and high transport costs hindering her returns. She is requesting for a loan to buy and stock more charcoal to sell to her customers.

This loan is special because:

It targets extremely rural populations.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details