A loan helped to pay for a dairy cow and two oxen, buy a mother pig and purchase forage to sustain the steading during cold winter months.

Vachik's story

Meet Vachik! Vachik is a 60-year-old farmer from Lori region. He lives in Sverdlov community with his wife who is an agronomist as well. Vachik has more than 30 years of experience under his belt. He is specialized in animal husbandry. The livestock consists of oxen, cows, calves, pigs, mother pigs, sheep, lambs, bees, and hens. Vachik grows grass though it isn't enough to feed all the animals especially in winter season. His main concerns are lack of forage and low market prices where he sells dairy, meat, eggs, honey, wool and what not.

Vachik has applied for this supportive loan to pay for a dairy cow and two oxen, buy a mother pig and purchase forage to sustain the steading during cold winter months. Vachik hopes for the lenders' trust and goodwill. This loan will surely have a lasting impact on his family's well-being.

This loan is special because:

It supports clients who were rejected by other lending institutions.

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