A loan helped a member to purchase shoes and new clothing.

Vivo Por Cristo 1 Group's story

Marie and her group, Vivo Por Cristo ("I Live for Christ"), live in a semi-urban region of the eastern coastal city of La Romana. Members of her small borrowers group own and operate diverse businesses, including small corner stores, clothing and shoe sales. Their location gives this group a unique advantage in the marketplace, as they have access to more available goods and services, as well as a greater surrounding population or potential client base.

Marie is the leader in her group and has used her entrepreneurial mindset to solidify her community-based business. Primarily, Marie sells tennis shoes, pants, and new clothing. While her primary item is shoes, she does try to have diverse merchandise and encourage her clients to purchase her products. She often travels to the DR/Haiti border as well as the capital city of Santo Domingo to purchase her merchandise. Marie also has a small array of beauty products, including deodorant, shampoos, necklaces, etc.

Thank you for your consideration of Marie and her group, Vivo por Cristo 1!

In this group: Marie, Robenson, Cesilia

This loan is special because:

It includes access to healthcare services and business and vocational training.

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