Included in the above picture are Myat, Thin, Yin, Moe and Cho. They are Kiva loan clients from Tha Sin-3 (C ) Village Group located in Pakokku Township. The featured borrower, Myat (sitting third from the left), is a 41-year- old single woman who lives with her three family members. Myat is very passionate about farming and she always finds ways to make her crop yields could be better.
Currently, farmers including Myat are facing a problem of high labor costs as young people migrate to cities or abroad in search of job opportunities. Therefore, they will use this new loan to solve that problem and to purchase fertilizer. They are very glad to receive the loan because it is a big help for them not only to solve their current problem of increased labor costs but also to purchase farming inputs.
In the future, Myat, would like to further develop her farm. She would also like to improve her family’s well-being, and she plans to save money for buying more farm land.
In this group: Yin, Thin, Moe, Cho, Myat