A loan helped to pay for a new roof which will greatly improve the safety of Modesto's home.

Modesto's story

Modesto is a loving father and husband who works very hard to provide for his family. His current line of work involves helping United States Veterans transition out of service and into civilian life. Modesto finds this work very fulfilling and is very proud of the accomplishments he has made in his career. Modesto himself is a veteran who became disabled while serving his country, and he wishes to use his experience to help others.

Modesto was forced to declare bankruptcy not long after returning from service, and although he has recovered from his financial hardship, obtaining financing to complete repairs to his home has been very difficult. Most financial companies did not wish to lend to him, and the few companies that were willing to lend him the funds to complete his much needed home repairs wanted to do so at very high cost.

Modesto needs a new roof for his home as it is currently leaking and he does not want to risk further damage to his home. He is hoping that SELF and Kiva will be able to finance his roof replacement at an affordable rate that will not only help him replace his roof, but also rebuild his credit as he repays his loan.

This loan is special because:

It helps women homeowners and veterans with poor credit history save energy and money.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details