A loan helped a member to buy one bag of carrots, one bag of onions, 10 kg of cassava, 10 kg of dry fish, and one carton of broth.

Maimouna's Group's story

Created in June 2009, this group of four women who live in the same neighborhood carries out various income-generating occupations such as small-scale grain processing and agriculture. There is a strong cohesion among the members of the group; solidarity is present here.

Maimouna (standing to the far right with her hand raised) is the featured borrower of this group. She is 57 years old, married and has five children, two of which are girls. She makes a living selling vegetables, dried fish, and broth. She has a stall in front of her house.

With her new loan, Maimouna plans to buy one bag of carrots, one bag of onions, 10 kg of cassava, 10 kg of dry fish, and one carton of broth. With her earnings, she takes care of herself, saves, and contributes to daily expenses.

In this group: Maimouna, Mama, Djimby, Sadio

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Desirée Morales Ruiz.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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