A loan helped to get the school building repaired.

Saba's story

Saba is a 45-year-old married woman who established a school 13 years ago because she believed that the future of her community lies in the hands of the children. There are 140 students enrolled in the school and 56% of them are female students. Saba says, “In my school, I emphasize a child-centered approach. This approach is communicated to teachers. Each child is unique and should be taught according to their abilities and capabilities. This helps the children develop at their own pace." Saba’s school building needs repair and maintenance to provide a safe environment to her students. Therefore, she has requested an amount of PKR. 150, 000 to get the school building repaired.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income schools provide quality education in Pakistan's urban slums.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details