A loan helped to buy a new Aluminum Pressure Die Casting machine, which can facilitate his work.

Mohammad Adeeb's story

Mohammad Adeeb is a 39-year-old Syrian refugee, who fled the war in Syria and arrived in Lebanon in 2012, hoping he would provide his wife and four children with a safer and better life. He has been working in the aluminum business for almost 2 years now, and has experience which exceeds 29 years. He learned this business when he had to drop out of school to provide for his family. Mohammad Adeeb's wife works as a hairdresser, and she, together with her husband, manages to provide their kids with their basic needs.

Mohammad Adeeb is a first-time borrower from Kiva's field partner, Al Majmoua, where he wishes to benefit from this entrepreneur refugee loan to buy a new Aluminum Pressure Die Casting Machine. This machine will facilitate his business and allow him better execution of his work.

This loan is special because:

It gives opportunity to Syrian refugees who have fled the war in Syria.

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