A loan helped to cover expenses needed for tuition fees at University where she is majoring in mass communication.

Mira's story

Mira is a 27-year-old Lebanese divorcee and a mother of one child who is currently under the custody of her father. After her divorce, she decided to get back on her feet and apply for university where she is now in her first year at a public university majoring in mass communication.

She provides for herself as she managed to get a job as a sales director in a media company. She invests her salary to pay for her education so she can maintain a better future for herself.

Mira is a previous borrower from Kiva's field partner, Al Majmoua and this is her seventh loan cycle with the association. She wishes to use this money to cover expenses needed for her university tuition fees.

This loan is special because:

It increases the chance for students to get higher education.

Loan details

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