A loan helped a member to purchase cake, milk, salt, sugar and general items to sell.

Small Business Group's story

Ms Lương is 62 years old and she is a widow with 2 children. In this group, her circumstance is the most difficult as her husband passed away a long time ago. She has to work hard to foster her children and keep sending them to school.

Lương has had a retail business selling dry food and general items for more than 10 years. Lương lives in Tinh Gia district, a rural town in Thanh Hoa province. Her family is a low-income household in village, moreover this region often suffered by natural disasters such as storms because it is near the sea.

The main hardship that Lương faces is lack of capital. She is requesting a loan to purchase cake, milk, salt, sugar and general items to sell. This is Lương's first loan with Thanh Hoa Microfinance Institution.

With her business profit, Lương hopes for her business to do well, for her family to be healthy and happy, and to repair her house.

In this group: Hương, Lương, Diệu, Hương, Hoa

This loan is special because:

It supports women from ethnic communities and single parent families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details