A loan helped to pay for two additional cows and buy forage to feed her animals under cold weather conditions.

Armine's story

Be acquainted with Armine! Armine is a hardworking woman involved in agriculture. Six years ago she founded her farmstead with personal savings. During these six years Armine constantly escalated her farmsteading and organized it. Today the farm is nursing Armine's family of four.

Armine is a mother of two teenage sons and according to her words she tries to seed love towards farming in her son's minds, since someday she hopes to leave the farm as a heritage. Armine's farm is concentrated on animal husbandry. She raises oxen, cows, calves, mother pigs, piglets, and hens. Armine earns money through sales of milk, homemade dairies, and natural meat. Armine is proud to be the part of the natural food producing system.

However, she mentioned severe winters as the most challenging part of her livestock-keeping process. This is why she has been approved within the joint initiative between SEF International & Kiva to empower female farmers. Armine needs this loan to pay for two additional cows and to buy forage to feed her animals under cold weather conditions. This will allow her to enlarge her farmstead and sustain her farm during colder months.

This loan is special because:

It provides women farmers with loans in local currency, reducing the risk they take on.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details