A loan helped to pay for her expenses for her nursing program.

Tatiana's story

Tatiana is 30 years old, married, and has 3 children who are still minors. She is an excellent student in the nursing program who studies a lot to achieve her life goals. In the afternoons, Tatiana works selling beauty products from catalogs (such as perfumes, cosmetics, etc.) in her own home. Tatiana gets help from her mother in the mornings with the care of her children to continue with her studies in the morning, which she has done for three and a half years and only lacks a half year to finish her studies and be able to work in what she is learning. Tatiana, with a lot of dedication to her studies, is achieving a good grade history which will allow her to be a good nurse. With the granted loan, she will invest in the payment of her expenses. Tatiana is very grateful for the offered help and takes her leave with a lot of desire to finish her established goals. She is grateful to Kiva and Edaprospo.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It's adaptable to different degree programs and repayment until after program end.

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