A loan helped to invest in a bulk purchase of silver and gemstones.

Ritu's story

Ritu is an artist and designer from India who specializes in sterling silver jewelry. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of silver and gemstones.

Ritu has been selling through NOVICA since 2007. This is her story:

"Hi, I'm Ritu, born in Jaipur. To be in the field of jewelry is like being in dreamland for me and now, I can share in this dreamland with you as a journey through my collection."

"I would like to say a big 'thanks' to all of you who are helping me through this microloan. With your help, I will be able to grow my business and develop new designs."

Use the link below to view Ritu's sterling silver jewelry on the NOVICA site:


This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details