A loan helped a member to buy more piglets and chickens to fatten and resell.

Yoem Group's story

Yoem (pictured first on the right), a 41-year-old married woman with four children, has been a rice farmer since 1993, and also fattens animals for sale. Her husband is a 64-year-old construction worker, and two of their children are factory workers in a nearby country, while the other two are students. Yoem resides in the Takeo Province of Cambodia, where her family can earn approximately $10 per day.

Yoem is the leader of a five-member group upon whose behalf she is requesting this loan. She will use her share to buy more piglets and chickens to fatten and resell. With this loan, she will be able to earn more revenue to support her family.

In the future, Yoem plans to buy more cows, ducks and chickens to fatten. This will enable her to save money to renovate her house and support her children to earn higher education.

In this group: Yoem, Saroeun, Srey, Soeu, Han

This loan is special because:

It provides add-on training services on financial management, agriculture and child protection.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details