A loan helped a member to purchase fertilizer and crop seeds.

Swea Gyi-4 (E) Village Group's story

Above in the picture are loan clients from Swea Gyi 4 (E) village group named: Khin N, Khin H, San, Thandar, Aye Khaing, Than A, and Than H. Swea Gyi Village is around 20 minutes' drive from Pakokku Town. Most households in the village make their living by farming, raising goats and sheep, or working as migrant workers.

The featured borrower, Khin H, third from the left in the picture, has been farming her entire life and has lots of knowledge and experience in farming. She is 54 years old and married with three children; the two younger children are in primary school. With this loan she is planning to purchase fertilizer and crop seeds so that she will increase crop production and will also boost her monthly income. She aims to expand her farm next year with her savings. Also, she is working very hard to save money for her children to finish school.

In this group: Khin N, Khin H, San, Thandar, Aye Khaing, Than A, Than H

This loan is special because:

It supports economic growth for an entire village.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details