Remigio is 54 years old. He is married and has three children. He lives with his wife and their children in a village in the municipality of Gracias, Lempira.
For 20 years, he has made a living by growing coffee. His crops are located on a plot outside of his house. Previously, he worked growing basic grains, such as corn and beans. Now he offers coffee seedlings to middlemen in the area, as well as making seasonal sales of beans and corn.
He is requesting a loan from ODEF for 6,000 Lempiras to purchase fertilizers and manure to apply to his coffee crop. He hopes to improve the efficiency of his production and the quality of coffee from his plantation.
His plan is to improve improve his house, provide his children with a good education, and expand his coffee production.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Stanislawski. View original language description.