A loan helped a member to buy seeds.

Pucarani Group's story

The communal bank “Pucarani” will start its 36th loan with Pro Mujer. They work with one of the organization’s regional hub in Senkata. It is formed by ten members and run by a governing board in which Zenobia is the President.

The loan will benefit a group of micro entrepreneurs where Zenobia is a member. She currently has a business selling potatoes and chuño (an artisanal freeze-dried potato). She says that she learned about this business on her own initiative several years ago.

The loan that she is now requesting will be use to increase her capital and buy seeds that she will acquire from the vendors at the city of La Paz. After sowing and harvesting she uses the seeds to keep her production going. This way of work allows her to generate enough resources to support her family financially, since she is married and has four children.

In this group: Zenobia, Julia, Delia , Julia Nela , Lourdes, Nancy , Willan , Juana , Celia , Ilda

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marila Arana.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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