A loan helped to support a land reclamation, to be able to cultivate more vegetables and increase her income.

Fatmeh's story

Fatmeh is a 40-year-old Lebanese married woman who lives with her husband and two children who are still attending school. Her husband is the main income provider in the family, and works hard to offer to his family a good life style. As for her, she works in the agriculture field; she started her business in 2013 when she cultivated all kind of vegetables and herbs. Today, she is requesting to borrow a loan from Kiva partner Vitas s.a.l. to support a land reclamation, to be able to cultivate more vegetables and increase her income. She said that this is her fourth loan and she is always ready to borrow more loans in the future and enhance her work.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in a country where most businesses are owned or run by men.

Loan details

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