A loan helped to mitigate CO2 & household air pollution, while also saving wood, money, & time by selling efficient cookstoves in Malawi.

Hestian's story


93% of households in Malawi depend on wood to cook. Most women use traditional open fires and inefficient cookstoves to prepare daily meals. These cooking methods have significant health impacts that result in over 4 million premature deaths worldwide from illness attributable to the household air pollution. High consumption of wood for fuel also contributes to deforestation and climate change.


Hestian partners with locally owned enterprises to produce and sell an improved, efficient cookstove called the Chitetezo Mbaula, which requires less wood fuel, thereby reducing indoor air pollution and alleviating pressure on Malawi’s forests.
This simple solution only costs around $2 but has big impacts:

- Saves 1 tonne of wood annually

- Reduces 2 tonnes of CO2 emission annually

- Reduces time spent collecting wood and expenses purchasing wood

- 98% of users report less smoke than before

Stove businesses employ over 2,500 people creating positive impacts on the job sector and female inclusion. Entrepreneurs have already sold over 200,000 efficient, affordable, and locally produced stoves to rural households across the country.

Loan Use

This $50,000 loan will support two champion stove distribution enterprises in Malawi – represented by Mrs. Maya Stewart and Mr.Yamungu Botha– to purchase an inventory of 25,000 improved cookstoves and reach an additional 25,000 homes with clean cooking.

Watch Hestian's video to see the benefits of improved cookstoves

This loan is special because:

It promotes access to clean energy and sanitation products.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details