A loan helped buy fertilizer for his organic and fair trade coffee farm.

Ananías's story

Ananías, 54 years old, lives in the village of Puerto San Francisco, Tabaconas, Perú, with his wife and young adult son. Ananias and his wife have five children in total, all adults. To provide for his family Ananías has two hectares of coffee but with his wife also raises and sells guinea pigs temporarily. His coffee farm produces a very high quality of coffee and he sells the coffee to Cooperative Cenfrocafe for the organic and fair trade market. Ananías has been growing coffee all his life and with the extra profits he has thought about gradually renewing his farms with new plants.

Ananías will buy fertilizer for his farm with the loan. He wants to use his other sources of income to save money to cover health expenses and improve his home. He has been a borrower through Norandino for eight years and he is grateful for the timely loans. He knows that by being responsible and punctual in his payments he will have access to new financing.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand.

This loan is special because:

It supports lucrative and sustainable livelihoods for organic farmers.

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